By using another recording method, I try to review my awareness of the surroundings, I seek for an alternative understanding of the relationship between the seeing and happening.
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Uso de unsynchronized en inglés
So much of life was unsynchronized, where one person desired more, and the other, less.
It produced 240 horsepower from a 4.4-liter inline-four motor with a four-speed unsynchronized manual transmission.
Gene-expression data from synchronized cultures were used to predict coincident appearance of mRNAs from pairs of genes in the unsynchronized cells.
The shape-changer towered over them, quivering gelatinously, its entire grotesque bulk pulsating as if with the unsynchronized beats of a dozen hearts.
Random perturbations in intracellular kinetic parameters are introduced to study the synchronization of single cells with small variations in their unsynchronized oscillation periods.
Quantitative analysis of the FISH results shows that individual unsynchronized cells growing slowly because of glucose limitation or phosphate limitation show the predicted oscillations.
This assay is inherently less temporally sensitive to activity among a population of unsynchronized proliferating cells because it relies on the rapidly degrading reporter luciferase.